2021 | 2022 | 2023
In 2021-2023, we breathed new life into our mission and vision, all while continuing to provide care and fight for reproductive freedom in unprecedented times. Our organization remains strong and determined all while encouraging internal growth. The hardships we’ve faced have only increased our resilience and reignited our passion to provide the very best care to our community.
01 | Letter from ED
Reflecting on 2021-2023 may be painful or demoralizing, but I can readily find joyful and triumphant moments as well. We fought back new abortion restrictions for telehealth in the state legislature; We registered hundreds of people to vote; We paid off the mortgage on our building; We passed a Declaration for Reproductive Freedom in DeKalb County; We brought on a new wellness medical director to help us expand gender affirming care; We developed a new mission, vision, and theory of change; We helped thousands of people get the lifesaving reproductive health care they needed.
02 | Organizational Transformation
Over the past few years, we have embarked on an organizational transformation to more deeply embody reproductive justice values, grounded in frameworks that center Black feminism and trans and queer liberation. As part of that work we have taken concrete steps to align our work with these values, starting with rewriting our mission and vision statements to incorporate our refined and strengthened values. In our impact report this year, we are excited to unveil our new mission & vision:
Program Highlights
media coverage
Over the past several years, we have been fortunate to speak, collaborate, and conversate with dozens of publications both locally and nationally. We have continued to spread reproductive justice rhetoric wherever others may listen and show curiosity. Each opportunity has given us a chance to connect with Black and Brown communities touched by the reproductive crisis this country endures. In fact, our efforts to provide inclusive care caught the attention of former president Barack Obama. On his Instagram, he highlighted the vital work our organization offers to traditionally underserved communities and encouraged his base to get involved in reproductive justice via activism, donation, and/or participating in elections. His post garnered over 150,000 likes, $1,500 in donations, and immeasurable exposure.

digital reach
While fighting to keep our clinic open, we made a big sign to make it clear–that while the law was enjoined we were still open. We were confident we would be victorious, but we knew the abortion ban was confusing. On the day HB 481 was signed into law by Governor Brian Kemp our “This Clinic Stays Open” sign was shared far and wide. Our social media post around this message went viral reaching nearly 700,000 people, with over 200,000 engagements generating 160,000 clicks. This was the beginning of a wave of increased donors, supporters and volunteers who joined our movement. In the six months following the ban we saw an increased digital engagement including:
increase in website visitors (34,342 vs 29,889) and 31% increase in direct traffic
increase in prospective donors (4298 vs 628)
increase in prospective volunteers (3066 vs 1783)
increase in website visitors from our social channels
This digital reach raised our profile and translated into:
- Increased media interest from national and international publications like the New York Times, Time, the Washington Post, Al Jazeera and more;
- The largest number of digital fundraisers organized on behalf of our center with over $365,000 received in donations from individuals across the country;
- An influx of dedicated volunteers and supporters with 250 volunteer applications and over 70 committed clinic escorts.
04 | Clinical Services

The past few years have been full of change as we have expanded our services and adjusted our physical clinical space to meet our new mission and vision, all while pivoting our abortion care offerings in response to Roe v. Wade’s overturning. Our ability to address community needs and shifting legal landscapes is one of our greatest strengths, and we are immensely proud of how we have continued to provide care in Georgia despite unprecedented challenges. Some of our clinic’s victories from 2021-2023 include:
- Continuing to provide affordable, compassion abortion care
- Began providing colposcopy, LEEP, and estrogen hormone replacement therapy
- Developed a colorful mural in our clinic waiting room that embodies our Black feminist and abortion-forward values, courtesy of local Black artist Erika Chisholm
- Built a designated lactation room and caregiving space to meet the needs of patients with little ones
While our services have expanded and we are affected by a 6-week ban, we remain deeply committed to providing care to patients who need it most. Check out the charts below to learn more about our patient base.
Patient Demographic Overall from 2021-2023
Overall Demographic
Total Patients from 2021-2023: 11,307
What our patients said about us:
05 | Program Updates
Change is not always something we heartily welcome in our world. In fact, when change arrives at our door, we are usually skeptical and on the defense. But rather than dreading change, we began to embrace it in 2021-2023. This shift in our mindset has led us down some winding paths to picturesque destinations. Our integrity as a unit has grown stronger, guiding us to foster deeper connections with our work and the people we serve. We adopted more ambitious visions for the future and prioritized new, unconventional forms of engagement. Against all odds, change became a part of our status quo–a testament to the way we develop.
Our team’s inaugural “reproductive road trip” represents just one of our many examples of new, unconventional forms of engagement. We embarked on a multi-stop bus tour throughout Atlanta’s sister cities–Savannah, Macon, Canton, and Clarkston–to engage with our neighboring communities. The tour reached an entirely new demographic Feminist Women’s Health Center previously could not reach for geographical reasons. The tour began in the metro area at Feminist’s home base where we educated our communities about our proactive legislation, the Reproductive Freedom Act, which seeks to repeal all of GA’s abortion restrictions and expand access beyond the status quo under Roe. From there, we collaborated with our counterpart, Lifting Latine Voices Initiative, to bring community-geared block parties with games, priceless reproductive resources, and safer sex materials. This partnership between our Outreach team and LLVI stimulated new energy in communities we otherwise could not reach.
As part of our LLVI program, we have extended our reach to great lengths this year. We have been fortunate to receive several offers and invitations to outlying organizations invested in our unique work. Specifically, LLVI allied with Creating Change, Agness Scott, Four Corners, Creating Healthier Communities, the Mexican Consulate, and many more affiliated organizations. Our alliship with Creating Change led us all the way from Atlanta to San Francisco, CA where we learned about empowerment in the LGBTQ+ community. Creating Healthier Communities graciously asked us to join a community conversation with their staff and Board of Directors and our partnership with the Mexican Consulate continues to reach new members of the Latine demographic in metro Atlanta. Additionally, our Promotoras’ program saw tremendous success through the work fellows of the program independently initiated.
05 | Board of Directors
“Being on the FWHC board allows us to be a part of an organization that embodies the principles of Reproductive Justice in its practice.”
Aarti Sharma
Vice President of Policy & Strategy, redefinED Atlanta
Board Chair
Langston Walker
Former Director of Prevention, Georgia Network to End Sexual Assault (GNESA)
Board Chair Emeritus
Dabney Evans
Associate Professor & Director of Graduate Studies, Hubert Department of Global Health Rollins School of Public Health – Emory University
Co-Vice Chair
Alka Kumar
Physician Assistant, One Medical & Carafem (PA)
Co-Vice Chair
Jaime Roberts
Attorney, Law Offices of Bruce Harvey; Volunteer, Trans Housing Atlanta Program INC
Cherry Wongtrakool
Associate Professor of Medicine, Emory University
Brett Bradshaw
Family Nurse Practitioner, Centro Internacional de Maternidad
Whitney Rice
Rollins Assistant Professor Department of Behavioral, Social and Health Education Sciences – Emory Rollins School of Public Health; Director, Center for Reproductive Health Research in the Southeast (RISE)
Nikki Radford
Environmental Scientist, US, EPA
Cynthia Padilla Pearson
Program Manager, Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation
Angela Brown
Executive Director, First African Community Development Corporation
Doug Hurd
Employment and Education Services Coordinator, Skyland Trail
06 | Fundraising and Financials
In 2021-2023 we saw a surge in support related to the overturning of Roe v Wade, both institutionally and with individual donors. We are excited to translate this swell of support into sustainable, long-term giving relationships. In 2023 and 2024, we are working with philanthropic powerhouse Cause Effective to create a revamped donor engagement program to cultivate giving relationships new and old.